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  Title Copies
Constitution made simple 
Edition: Fifth edition 
Year: 2019 
ISBN: 9712392603 
ISBN 13: 9789712392603 
A simplified and procedural handbook on transfer and business taxation 
Edition: Fourth edition 
Year: 2021 
ISBN: 9719814450 
ISBN 13: 9789719814450 
Community-based correction in the Philippines (non-institutional correction) 
Year: 2018 
ISBN: 6214180394 
ISBN 13: 9786214180394 
Introduction to Philippine criminal justice system  
Year: 2019 
ISBN: 6214180622 
ISBN 13: 9786214180622 
Obligations & contracts : laws, principles and jurisprudence 
Edition: Fourth edition 
Year: 2020 
ISBN: 6219524292 
ISBN 13: 9786219524292 
National service training program : civic welfare training service (CWTS) I : literacy training service (LTS) I : a source book 
Edition: Fourth edition 
Year: 2019 
ISBN: 9719811589 
ISBN 13: 9789719811589 
National service training program : CWTS-LTS 2 
Year: 2018 
ISBN: 6218122130 
ISBN 13: 9786218122130 
Service-learning and immersion towards community building : NSTP-CWTS 2 : worktext for college students 
Year: 2015 
ISBN: 9719803089 
ISBN 13: 9789719803089 
Service-learning and immersion towards community building : NSTP-CWTS 2 : a worktext for college students 
Edition: Third edition 
Year: 2022 
ISBN: 9719816805 
ISBN 13: 9789719816805 
A man's guide to work: 12 ways to honor God on the Job 
Edition: New 
Year: 2010 
ISBN: 0802475558 
ISBN 13: 9780802475558