Title |
Authors/Editors |
Publisher |
Type |
Copies |
Gender and society: fostering a gender equal society
C & E Publishing, Inc. |
Books |
3 |
Foundations of Philippine real property valuation
C & E Publishing, Inc. |
Books |
3 |
Entrepreneurship in Philippine setting : for senior high school
C & E Publishing, Inc. |
Books |
5 |
Philippine tourism, geography, and culture
Rex Book Store |
Books |
5 |
Tourism impacts and sustainability
Rex Book Store |
Books |
1 |
Macro perspective of tourism and hospitality
Rex Book Store |
Books |
5 |
Micro perspective of tourism and hospitality
Rex Book Store |
Books |
5 |
Sustainable tourism
Rex Book Store |
Books |
5 |
Principles and ethics of tour guiding
Rex Book Store |
Books |
8 |
The basics of tour guiding
C & E Publishing, Inc. |
Books |
3 |