
Category: FILIPINIANA [ All ]

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  Title Copies
The absolution : reflections on faith, the priesthood and all those uncomfortable spaces in between 
Year: 2013 
ISBN: 9715506694 
ISBN 13: 9789715506694 
Textbook on the Philippine constitution 
Edition: Seventeenth edition 
Year: 2019 
ISBN: 9712392610 
ISBN 13: 9789712392610 
Technical writing in this era of globalization and modern technology 
Year: 2011 
ISBN: 9712359330 
Teaching profession passion and mission 
Edition: 2nd Edition 
Year: 2019 
ISBN: 6210400199 
ISBN 13: 9786210400199 
Teaching mathematics in the primary grades 
Year: 2019 
ISBN: 6218035577 
ISBN 13: 9786218035577 
Teaching approaches and strategies  
Year: 2008 
ISBN: 9715741231 
ISBN 13: 9789715741231 
Teaching and the teacher 
Year: 2012 
ISBN: 9716857436 
Teacher factor: what I truly learned when I become a teacher: things everyone should learn too! 
Year: 2013 
ISBN: 9710391905 
ISBN 13: 9789710391905 
Tatlong Nikkeijin and six photos: culture, people, and state power 
Year: 2008 
ISBN: 9710426041 
ISBN 13: 9789710426041 
Taiwan-Philippines cultural dialogue IV 
Year: 2015 
ISBN: 9869182348 
ISBN 13: 9789869182348