Title |
Authors/Editors |
Publisher |
Type |
Copies |
Constitution made simple
Rex Book Store |
Books |
5 |
The school and the community, school culture, and organizational leadership
Rex Book Store, Inc., |
Books |
5 |
Manual on Community Immersion and Integration
Lorimar Publishing, Inc. |
Books |
5 |
A course module for teaching strategies for elementary science: physics, earth and space science
Rex Book Store, Inc. |
Books |
5 |
Introduction to information technology
Trinitas Publishing, Inc. |
Books |
5 |
Science, technology, and society
C & E Publishing, Inc. |
Books |
5 |
A course module for content and pedagogy for the mother tongue
Rex Book Store, Inc. |
Books |
5 |
Assessment in learning I
Rex Book Store, Inc., |
Books |
5 |
Science, technology, and society
C & E Publishing, Inc. |
Books |
5 |
National service training program : civic welfare training service (CWTS) I : literacy training service (LTS) I : a source book
C & E Publishing, Inc. |
Books |
5 |