Title |
Authors/Editors |
Publisher |
Type |
Copies |
Economics : basic principles, applications and Issues
Vibal Publishing House, Inc. |
Books |
1 |
Economics and entrepreneurship
Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd |
Books |
3 |
Economics and society
Ateneo de Manila University Press |
Books |
3 |
Economics, taxation, and agrarian reform
C & E Publishing, Inc. |
Books |
3 |
Economics. Volume 3 : Philippine economic and development issues
Anvil Publishing, Inc. |
Books |
1 |
ECOTAR: fundamentals of college economics with taxation and agrarian reform
Books Atbp. Publishing Corp. |
Books |
2 |
Ecotourism : with tourism planning and development essentials
Mindshapers, Co., Inc., |
Books |
2 |
Educational measurement and evaluation
Books |
1 |
Educational Technology 1
Lorimar Publishing, Inc. |
Books |
4 |
Educational technology 2
Lorimar Publishing, Inc. |
Books |
2 |